
Archive for January, 2005


The snow started coming down around 7 pm on Friday and didn’t let up until Saturday afternoon. Once the snow storm passed through, the lake-effect snow machine turned on and the winds whipped up and everything that had been plowed was covered with blowing and drifting snow. Woohoo!

We ventured out to Starbucks in Franklin and met up with my friend Sarah and Frank worked on route cards and then his friend, Kyle, also a pilot, met up with him. Despite the awful weather we had a nice time. At around 2, Janice from church called to say that church was canceled last night. Since the wind was still blowing snow around and covering roads, we decided we weren’t going to Frank’s company party either. We stayed in and I made some spaghetti, which was pretty darned good if I do say so myself. I have to confess that I mooched the recipe for the sauce off of Carolyn (she rocks!) and it was stinkin’ awesome. Frank and I watched Collateral, which was surprisingly good. We had a generally rockin’ time just hanging out and cooking and eating. Wooho!

THis morning we went to church and it was packed. Don gave a great sermon about tradition and the good and the bad of having established traditions. What was cool was that I thought it was going to be a long one, but it was really interesting and relevant. Tradition the fuels belief would generally be considered a not good thing, but tradition based on faith and belief is a good thing.

So anyway – that is that. We have Bible study tomorrow, Turbo small group training Tuesday. I am jetting off to Cali on Saturday to visit Kate & Sean (& Ryan & Caitlin, too) – very excited to go out there. I would bet that it is much warmer out there than here 🙂 It’ll be trippy to leave the cold and snow for just a few days and then come back home.

Hope everyone is doing well!

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Well, here we are, 15 days into the month and I can barely keep my eyes open. It is a frigid, windy day in Milwaukee. The fact that there aren’t any clouds in the sky and the sun is shining brightly is rather disarming. The truth is this: it is only 10 degrees out and it feels like -15 degrees. If it was spring and the sky looked as blue and pretty as it does right now, I’d be outside, soaking it in.

This morning Frank and I went to brunch at a restaurant called Coast. They serve excellent brunch, so we are rather full. With every meal they serve warm, delightfully crispy popovers (warm, hollow bread). The popovers are served with strawberry, cinamon and creamy butters. Delish! I could have just had the popovers and soup. Very yum!

We also stopped in the Milwaukee Art Museum to take a look around. I’ve been there to see the Masters of American Art gallery, but it’s quite an impressive building. It is shaped like a ship with massive wing-like white sails created by the retractable roof. Go check out the site because I really can’t do it justice.

Later this month, 1/29-1/31 I will be traveling out to LA to visit Kate and Sean. Ah – the benefits of having an airline husband 😀 Speaking of airline husband – we are going to his company party on 1/22, which should be a good ole time. Lots of pilots crowded into a VFW hall. Doesn’t get much better than that!

Hope everyone is doing well – time for me to get my sleep on!

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Think positive thoughts

So. It’s almost 11 pm. Frank is in Ironwood, MI (it’s north, it’s cold and it’s snowy up there) and I’m here in Milwaukee.

And what am I doing up at this late hour on a Monday night when I have work the next morning? Naturally, I am contemplating my life, and, of course, my weight. See, the holidays were an awful blur of food – mostly chocolate in nature. This lead to weight gain. On top of the weight gain over this past year, I am quite sad and anxious and upset.

What’s worse is that Frank isn’t here, so I am also lonely. And I can’t call him because he has to be up in a few hours – 3:45 am to be exact.

So here is my action plan. I am going to continue writing down everything I eat. I am going to throw out the pecans my mother in law gave me as well as the chocolate chips in the fridge that I sometimes snack on. Once I’m done with that, I am going to get myself into a routine, darn it. I am going to work out and like it. And I am going to NOT HAVE ANY MORE HEADACHES. How much advil can a girl take??

I am also going to become re-obsessed with weighing myself because for some reason, that helps me instead of making me into someone with an eating disorder. See, if I can see immediate positive or negative reactions to what I eat, I get better about cause and effect with good food vs. bad food.

Wow. I am actually in a near panick about this. I need to get sleep.

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Three days into 2005 and I haven’t gone to work yet, so here I am… at home… I went up to Green Bay to be with Frank last night and drove home today and now have a ridiculous headache… so… I should be resting some more… Hmmm…

Work tomorrow… headache must go away…

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