
Archive for November, 2003

92% Done with 2003

So with 8% of the year remaining and a new year just a few weeks away, it seems like now is as good of a time as any to have Thanksgiving.

I know, my stamp of approval was needed to affirm a national holiday.

It just seems like a wise idea to kick off the busiest month with a holiday that gives time to pause and reflect. And energize for crazed “Green Friday” shopping. Of course, I doubt the Pilgrims were chomping down on their splendid dinner thinking, “Great, I’ll fuel up now and I’ll be able to hit all of the sales from 6am till 9pm. Can’t wait!!” Anyway, ’tis the season to rush, rush, rush!

A girl my senior year in high school once asked the class of ’98 why we were counting down the best days of our lives. Why were we so eager to hurry through this carefree time? But no one cared. Besides, her question came too late–the last day of school our senior year. Rah! Freedom!!!

But I think she was a little right. Maybe even a lot. What was the rush?

So this year, I am going to savor every minute of frantic holiday shopping. I think I’m going to make cookies. I am going to let every day drip by as slowly as I can. Because what is the rush? Where are we going so fast? As an old woman (23), I don’t have a Barbie I am anxiously waiting to open on Christmas Day. There is no post-present high on Christmas morning. And that is just fine by me.

I get to start and finish this holiday season with weddings–one of my dearest friends, Erin B, is getting married on 12/6 and my cousin Dave M is getting married on 12/27. There is a lot to celebrate this December. Our first Thanksgiving kicks it off. Our first Christmas. Our first New Year.

There is so much to be said for a fantastic husband, a wonderful family and terrific friends. I can’t wait to spend time with everyone this holiday season!

So–it’s cold. I moan a lot about that. But after I’m done whining, I’m going to heat up some soup, make a sandwich, curl up on the couch and watch time slide by…


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Yes, I am still alive. Since the last time I wrote, I have aged–I am now an ancient 23. Eeek!

Frank and I took a 4 hour nap yesterday. I am still recovering today. I developed a cold over the last week, but am feeling MUCH better today.

I’m sure I’ll have more to write later…

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Picture Perfect

We got our pictures back from the photographer and they are AWESOME!! YAY! I love them. We didn’t have time to do a lot of the pictures that we wanted, but what we got is incredible–rah!!

It’s amazing that I am now looking back on my wedding. It felt like the day would never come and then, woosh, there it went! It truly flies by.

How’s Married Life Treatin’ Ya??

That is the question of the ages. My response is a resounding, “Great!” But what does that “Great!” mean?

Only two months into it, and I can tell you that being married is the greatest thing. Frank and I have a fantastic time together, laughing and generally enjoying eachother’s company. And Frank is a fantastic husband! The other day I came home and he was vacuuming and running the washer and dryer. He makes the bed nearly every day. He eats the food I make him with little to no hesitation (brave man). He tells me that I’m cute in the morning, even if my mascara has run all over my face and my hair has developed new and interesting cowlicks.

It’s also one of the toughest things, too. There is life before marriage and life after marriage. The priorities I had before marriage are definitely different from the priorities since marriage. You realize that you are your own little family and you have your own little family problems and traditions and quirks. You realize that it’s not as easy as signing a marriage license and throwing a little party.

And this brings me back to the night Frank proposed. For a long time I have been trying to put into words the feelings that came over me that night. I felt incredible joy that we were going to take our relationship the next step. I felt delighted and giddy and excited and nervous and surprised and content. This is how things were meant to be.

But there was another feeling, a feeling of awe. It was as though I walked into an ancient church with bright, ornate stained glassed windows lining either side and pews, uniformly assembled, solemn contemplative rows in front of a lavish alter. And the ceiling is several stories overhead and old, tender light filters in from every perfect crack and crevice. But even more awesome than beauty of the old space is the overwhelming sense of history in the room. How many lives were announced, merged, celebrated and mourned here? What words could you possibly use to sum up the experience of standing in this church? And it’s such an experience that it must be experienced with another person, if not for the reason that when you walk out of the church and you lack words to describe it, you can look at that person and know that they understand.

After he proposed, Frank examined my ring on my finger for along time. Then he said to me that it was amazing to think of what that ring will have seen 50 years from now. It will see children, homes, pets, people coming, people going, grand children. Maybe even great grandchildren. Who knows? And maybe in 50 years the ring will be given to a grandson. And maybe he will ask a young woman to marry him. And who knows–maybe she will be filled with the same sense of awe and wonderment.

What a very great thing, indeed.

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Manic Mondays, oooohwoooooo

Hello. Today is Monday. I don’t think I like Mondays much. They are a necessary evil, I do know that. But as necessary as they are, they are still not fun.

This weekend was good–I went out to the apple orchard with Kelly H and Kim Y. We bought apple donuts, cider and a few other things. I think it was worth the sort of long trek out there. Then we came back to Naperville and went to the Fox Valley mall. It’s a nice mall. Not as good as Woodfield. It is covered, which is better than Oak Brook, but it lacks a certain je ne sais quois. My top 5 malls:

5. Stratford Square

4. Oak Brook

3. Fox Valley

2. Woodfield

1. Deer Park

I realize that this list covers a huge geographic region, but there you have it. I put Deer Park as 1 because it has every store that I LOVE to go to. Gap, J Crew, Banana, Ann Taylor and Victoria’s Secret–even though I don’t shop at all those stores all the time. Plus, as far as outdoor malls go, it is relatively small and therefore easier to get around. Plus, it’s not usually too hard to find parking there. And since it doesn’t have as much traffic, as say a behemoth like Woodfield, there are usually good size ranges available for sales. I would say that Woodfield comes in #2 simply because you need serious time to dedicate to going to Woodfield. Since I know where everything is, I know where to park, but if you come in the wrong door on the wrong level, it could tack on a few minutes. It definitely beats out Oak Brook and Fox Valley. Even though Oak Brook does have some high end stores–such as Mark Shale–Woodfield has a greater number of stores and is indoor. See, if I’m going to shop for a broad range of people, I prefer to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer. If I have my own agenda for me, Oak Brook is great. Fox Valley is a new place for me to shop at and it beats out Oak Brook primarily based on proximity to my current location. It also has some good anchor stores–Marshall Fields, JC Penny. WAIT A MINUTE… Oak Brook beats out Fox Valley. I just remembered that Oak Brook has a Crate and Barrel that has the Home Store included–very good. Sorry, Fox, you just got bumped. So now my list looks like this:

5. Stratford Square

4. Fox Valley

3. Oak Brook

2. Woodfield

1. Deer Park

Lastly is Stratford Square. I like the mall, but it’s not my favorite. It barely makes the top 5. As a matter of fact, if I remember another mall I like better, I’ll have to bump it.

Wait–actually, I like the Champaign mall. It’s very nice for a rural (well, Champaign isn’t rural… but the area around it is…) mall and has a decent food court and bathrooms. It’s a nice place to go if you have to chill for a few minutes. My list is now:

5. Champaign Mall

4. Fox Valley

3. Oak Brook

2. Woodfield

1. Deer Park

This has take far too much brain power. I need a nap!!

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1. Ever been so drunk you blacked out: Nope.

2. Missed school because it was raining: No, but I almost missed work because of it. It was raining so bad several of the expressways were flooded.

3. Put a body part on fire for amusement: …Not sure that I would find that amusing…

4. Been hurt emotionally: Who hasn’t?

5. Kept a secret from everyone: It has been known to happen…

6. Had an imaginary friend when you were young: Carrie. Then we had a terrible political disagreement and I haven’t seen her since.

7. Wanted to hook up with a friend: I married him…

8. Had a crush on a teacher: Sure thing.

9. Ever thought an animated character was hot? Simba from “The Lion King”… not sure why, but I thought he was a hottie.

10. Had a New Kids on the Block tape? No.


Shampoo: Pantene

Favorite color: Red

Day/Night: Day!… but then, sometimes night…

Summer/Winter: Summer!

Lace or satin: Satin feels better but I like how lace looks.

Fave cartoon Characters: Not sure

Fave Food: I do not favor one food over another, although I have to tell you Frank and I have been eating a lot of chicken.

Fave Advertisement: I love them all! Except for the college advertisment that escapes my mind… hmmm

Fave Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip.

—————–RIGHT NOW——————

Wearing: A sweater and jeans

Hair is: In a pony tail

Eating: Chewing gum

Drinking: going to make a quick trip to the bev. station in a bit for some diet coke and water

Thinking about: Why I am not working… clearly this is a waste of time…

Listening to: My boss on the phone in her office.

Cried: A couple of weeks ago

Worn a skirt: Last weekend–Frank was very happy.

Met someone new: Recently, I’m sure.

Cleaned your room: Frank cleaned it yesterday–what a stud.

Drove a car: This morning

—————DO YOU BELIEVE IN ——————

Yourself: Mostly

Your friends: Mostly

Santa Claus: No.

Tooth Fairy: Yes, and she has far too many of my teeth.

Destiny/Fate: Yep

Angels, spirits, afterlife: Yep

Ghosts: Hm… not sure.

Devil: Yes

UFO’s: I could be swayed

———————RIGHT NOW—————————

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes, but don’t tell my husband!

Who have you known the longest of your friends: Trisha K since 1986ish

Who is the loudest: Trisha K, oddly enough

Who do you cry to: Frank

Worst Feeling: Going shopping and not being able to find pants that are long enough.

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